Free Lovely Darkness The Cambions Book 1
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Seventeen-year-old Jessica Vasquez can pinpoint the day her life began to change. After the death of her loving grandparents, not only is she having nightmares, but she is also trying to deal with the changes of her body, and her craving for her favorite boy, Fabian. Her cold-hearted mother abandons her, leaving Jessica to live alone in a small Texas town she calls "Crapville". But when she finds an intruder in her cotton gin hideaway-a being called a Cambion named Lucian Mason-Jessica's life is sent down a completely different path. Jessica discovers why these changes are happening in her life, why her mother loathes her, and why Lucian is there to protect her from the Incubus who wants to claim her. Lovely Darkness: The Cambions Book 1 is the first book in a series. Michelle L. Gonzales lives with her husband and two children in San Juan, Texas. This is her first published book. She is writing the sequel, Lovely Light. She was inspired by a niece whose perception of the paranormal world sparked her imagination. Publisher's website: Evil Is Sexy - TV Tropes The Evil Is Sexy trope as used in popular culture. Other factors being equal evil characters are sexier. Evil does strange things to people. It can be Always Chaotic Evil - TV Tropes The Wolrog Empire in Strontium Dog is composed entirely of Neutral Evil baddies. Torquemada in Nemesis the Warlock claims that all aliens are Always Chaotic Evil ...
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